This project, developed by nikita600 and Cirosan, does exactly that, using Evie's script as a base. However, Evie released her translated script in the hopes that another hacking group could one day use it to develop a working patch. The primary obstacle was that, when translated into English, the game's script was simply too large to fit on a PlayStation disk. While Evie produced a full translation of the game's enormous script, the effort ultimately fizzled out. Many efforts have been made to translate Mizzurna Falls into English, the most notable of which involved professional translator Resident Evie and PlayStation hacker Gemini. However, Mizzurna Falls was on the bleeding edge of technology at the time, and its ambitious open-world was ultimately too much for the PlayStation to handle, resulting in a number of bugs.

Notable for its unique blend of open-world gameplay, a real-time clock that sees NPCs and events following their own schedules, emphasis on exploration, and elaborate action sequences, Mizzurna Falls is considered a forerunner to later titles such as Deadly Premonition, Shenmue, and Majora's Mask. Heavily inspired by cult classic TV show Twin Peaks, the game follows high schooler Matthew Williams as he searches for his close friend, Emma Roland, who has gone missing.

Mizzurna Falls is a 1998 PlayStation adventure game developed by Human Entertainment. Mizzurna Falls (PSOne) English Fan Translation is a mod for Mizzurna Falls, created by Cirosan.